How to customize email templates?

Growth and Premium account plans can customize email notifications sent to candidates after they submit an application or get disqualified.

Got to the Settings page then scroll to the section titled - Templates and click Manage

Click the Edit button to customize the email templates below:

Confirmation Email

The Confirmation Email template is sent to job seekers after they submit a job application.

Disqualify Email

The Disqualify Email template is sent to candidates after a user disqualifies using the candidate Update status button on the candidates page, candidate details page or on the job details page.

Job Alert Confirmation Email

The Job Alert Confirmation Email is sent to subscribers after they sign up for job alerts.

Job Alert Email

The Job Alert Email is sent to subscribers when a new job is opened and matches their criteria.  Subscribers have the option to unsubscribe by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email.

Users can customize the email template's subject and body using the email template variables below:

  • {{}}
  • {{}}
  • {{}}
  • {{}}
  • {{candidate.created_at}}
  • {{candidate.updated_at}}
  • {{candidate.resume}}
  • {{candidate.cover_letter}}
  • {{candidate.subscribe}}
  • {{candidate.last_name}}
  • {{candidate.social_links}}
  • {{job.title}}
  • {{job.category}}
  • {{profile.company_name}}

Click the Update button to save changes to the template

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